
Heading down the road
but not too far away
come wish me well
on my second to last day

It has been a pleasure
to say the least
It’s been real
taming the SAIC beast

Let’s toast to the past
and begin anew
Thursday, after five
$3 beers all night

Hope to see you
at the Silversmith
on Wabash Avenue
to raise a glass with gratitude

Dearest colleagues near and far:
I’ll be at the bar.


Protest in 7 cities
Chicago NYC Philadelphia
DC Seattle Oakland
Riots in two, reported

hashtag our streets
hashtag no peace

Helicopters still hovering here
No fly zone there

Armed with stolen swisher sweets
Six upward shots moving towards the face
Fewer in the knees may have sufficed
How do they train them?
Shoot to kill

“Is justice for everyone except us?”

Be Heard
Be the Change
[Insert new slogan here]
Words words words

Aggregate, aggravate
Fan the flame
Media blitz
Click bait
Attention eyeballs: look, listen
Buy buy buy
Black Friday
Lie lie lie

Twenty Lines High

Sound of snow

twenty floors high

the chill, so brisk


Be still


silent city below.

Rumbling train,

slower today.

Cloaked shadows

eyes squinted

heads tilted

braced for impact.


Feels ten less

shuffling uptown

and down

across the street

despite the storm

and alongside.

Stage Re-Directions

never say thy youth was wasted
once more, love, before you enchanted I stand
moon rising on the horizon

pages through a book until she finds a place
looks out at the lake, sings in a low bass
just after sunset
in the shade of an old linden tree
sounds of pleading
a little too loudly

returning from a walk
exchanges are hidden,
with contained emotion
as if talking to a child
starting out slowly, dragging foot slightly
“That’s just the way people are.”

glancing in the direction
at a moment toward the dock
carrying his fishing rods and basket
wheeling Sorin off
pushing an empty impulse
glowing points begin to move
calls from inside appear at the window
flower beds, it is noon
makes a fist and holds out her hand
before going in the house
a pair of French parlor furniture

the stage is empty
offstage, farewell sounds
the usual collection of semidarkness

written from stage directions from The Seagull by Anton Chekhov